Thoughts & Musings
In the two years since I’ve rebranded and had this wonderful website, I’ve blogged five times per year. It’s embarrassing, I know. Why would I not show off all of my fantastic brides in fantastic blogs on all the fantastic 365 days of the year?
And then, I start a blog as fantastic as this one, and I don’t get off of my couch for two days straight. The photos alone have taken me about ten hours to select, upload, and organize onto this page. I say “about ten hours” because I’ve watched the most current episode of Grey’s AND started and finished all eight episodes of The Act.
I know that most photographers take the best ten photos and throw them onto a page and call it a day because, honestly, who has ten hours to do this? I have learned, though, that I am an overachiever to a fault and possess an intense, unwavering need to tell a story through visuals, as well as text. (My boyfriend asked me a simple question the other day, which probably could have been satiated with a simple answer, but my actual answer ended up including the entire story of me birthing my daughter, which was probably mostly or entirely unrelated to his question.)
By virtually gluing together the tiny details, smiles, and tears of joy, a blog has the power to tell an entire story and allow people who weren’t even there to feel like they were.
While creating this blog, I got to relive all of the moments of Arren and Luis’ wedding day. I remembered how her eyes looked as though they had actual stars in them, how the mist of her perfume sparkled through the air, how her diamond tennis bracelet contrasted sharply against the red velvet in the antique jeweler’s box.
I got to relive my most vivid memory of their wedding day, which is one of the most vivid memories I have of ANY wedding I’ve ever experienced. I cried, just like I cried when I saw firsthand, when I was arranging the photos of Arren and Luis reading handwritten vows to each other. I had never witnessed such a purely heartfelt declaration of love between two people. I remembered them both wiping tears from the other’s cheeks while they took turns reading their words. Their hands trembled and their voices wavered. (Which resulted in my own eyes leaking and my mascara dripping.)
I got to remember how in awe I was of the love they have for each other, which was apparent from the moment I met them and took their engagement photos. They know each other thoroughly, they’re aware and accepting of the strengths and weaknesses they share, and they spend most of their time laughing with each other.
I was then transported back to my breath being immediately sucked from my lungs, upon taking in the sight of their reception area. The personalized place settings glinted with gold, the dessert table was nothing less than majestic, donuts towered beside neatly piled churros, garlands dripped and floral arrangements smoldered in fiery palettes of orange and red, Edison bulbs glowed, and dainty paper garlands draped delicately beneath wooden beams.
If you’ve never told your bride and groom to “Lady and the Tramp” a churro, I recommend that you do.
And, finally, I got to remember feeling so happy for the two of them when they ran through a crowd of sparklers at the end of their night. I remember how thankful I was that I got to experience their wedding at my favorite wedding venue, alongside some of my favorite videographers.
Thank you for the experience, Arren and Luis, and congratulations on your marriage!
As always, I’d love for you to stay up to date with The Cloud Nine Co. on Facebook and Instagram!