Thoughts & Musings
This will be the easiest blog post I've ever written.
Chelsey and Leroy met me in Palo Duro Canyon last week and everything was as dreamy as dreamy gets.
The end.
Just kidding. This wouldn't be my blog, if it wasn't laden with millions of adjectives.
In the early afternoon of last Friday, I neurotically checked my weather app for the twentieth time (of many). A severe weather notification had popped up on my phone and I watched as green, blue, yellow, and red blotches slowly moved toward Amarillo. Throughout the day, those little blotches morphed into massive blotches that covered the majority of Texas, it seemed.
I could see the impending doom. I knew it probably meant certain death and pictured massive flooding through the deep valleys of the canyon that would instantly wash my car away and leave me dog paddling for my life.
Chelsey wanted to just go ahead and meet up for photos. It was cool. Cooooooooooooool. I wasn't scared. Psssh.
So I started driving to the canyon. Five minutes into my 25 minute drive, heavy rain splish-splashed all over my windshield and I tried to figure out how in the heck I was going to pull off taking engagement photos in a massive puddle of mud.
By some crazy miracle, it wasn't raining when we drove through the entrance of PDC. So we just kept on driving and found THE MOST AWESOME location with the most picturesque backdrop of orangey-red dirt littered with families of cacti and a ginormous canyon wall that jutted up into the stormy sky.
I don't think I've ever seen the canyon look that intense. It felt like such a rare privilege to experience all of that at once. Miles of lightning-filled storm clouds billowed around us, thunder boomed, tiny sprinkles splattered in the dirt, and the wind blew the trees. It was magical and scary. It was freaky and colorful. The air had that sunset-in-the-rain glow.
I couldn't have asked for a more perfect night.
By the time we drove all the way back up to head home, the sun was just touching the horizon. We parted ways and, almost immediately, the clouds burst and the rain let loose. I turned up my music and settled in for the drive, enjoying the view around me. When I reached the top of the canyon, I could see sheets of rain pouring down in the distance.
I thought that was pretty badass.
So I pulled over, ran like a psycho through pokey plants, and snagged a shot of the storm.
It was extremely neato.
Thank you for the experience, Chelsey and Leroy! <3
When I was first contacted by Kourtney, I knew immediately that I needed *NEEDED* to work with her. I could tell from her text messages that she was spunky and the really cool kind of mysterious that everyone wants to be. I convinced her to meet me for coffee and planned on further convincing her to hire me by showering her with compliments, bringing out all of my insanely weird charm, and giving her gifts.
When I walked in and saw her, I liked her even more. Possibly loved her. She is pretty much the cutest, tiniest person with the biggest smile. Also the best hair. And brightest eyes. Over the next few months, she amazed me with all of her different looks. I saw versions of Kourtney that most people only dream of pulling off.
There was:
This girl showed me time and time again that she was gorgeous inside and out, no matter the circumstance. I thought she had hit the Awesome Ceiling, but that was before I saw her with Noah.
There are Kourtney Smiles.
And then there are Kourtney Smiles With Noah.
Kourtney Laughs.
And Kourtney Laughs With Noah.
All of her beautiful attributes instantly leveled up when Noah set his eyes on her during their first look. The two of them together were like fireworks and sparklers exploding over a magical kingdom with white horses galloping and harps and flutes and stuff. It was obvious that they were the inspiration for the 2005 Jack Johnson hit "Better Together." And probably the inspiration for the idea of love, in general.
I had a total blasty blast capturing their wedding and shooting for the first time at The Bowery. All of the details were so cozy and wintry, which went perfectly with the freakishly freezing and windy weather we experienced that day. I think their reception will always be included in my List of Favorite Receptions and I will forever remember the airborne beer, booty dancing, and the legit fearing for my life when multiple men's legs came crazy-dancing toward me while I took photos from a crouched position.
And, finally, that glorious Funfetti cake. Oh sweet boxed cake, I will never forget you. I tried to replicate you several days after the wedding. But, alas, it was just not the same. Please find your way back to me, Funfetti Cake. I love you.
Finally #2, I'd like to send out a massive congratulations to Kourtney & Noah! I wish you the happiest marriage and the ability to forever keep smiles on your faces when people inevitably misspell and mispronounce your last name.
As always, be sure to head over and give The Cloud Nine Co. a like on Facebook and Instagram! If you're feeling extra awesome, scroll down to leave a congratulatory message for the newlyweds in the comment box!