M c K a y

McKay is one of those people that finds enchantment in little things, like specks of dust that float and sparkle in sunlight. She enjoys all things that act as a creative outlet: crafting, sewing, singing, interior design, fashion, gardening, and… you know… photography. Generally, she listens to funk music of some sort and she feels that mayo is the most elite condiment. She opens all of the windows when it rains, even if the floors will get wet. Her sense of humor is dry. Like, The Office dry. Her two babies are the most wonderful aspects of her life and everything she does is with them in mind. The human babies, not the dogs. Just fyi.

h a z e l m a e

Hazel is a sparkling star, full of magic, that crashed down to the earth in 2012. She is unlike anyone who has ever existed, and who will ever exist. Full of wit, enthusiasm, empathy, joyous laughter, and endless love. She would always prefer to wear pajamas, but is also always ready for any kind of adventure. She’s the kind of person who wants to tell the spookiest ghost stories, but is then too scared to sleep alone. Her best friend, undoubtedly, is her brother, with her mom being a close second. Not a second goes by that chocolate isn’t on her mind.

fletcher grey

Fletcher is the youngest family member and, little as he may be, has more personality than ten toddlers combined. His favorite place is sandwiched directly between the two people he loves most- his sister and his momma. He knows exactly how get someone wrapped tightly around his finger by saying the cutest “pwease.” His fiery red hair grabs the attention of every old lady… but it’s also the source that fuels his unrelenting fury when you deny his wishes. A tinkerer, cuddler, mischief-seeker, and the most wonderful little boy we could have hoped for.

amarillo wedding photographer goldendoodle


Copper joined the team back in 2014 and traveled all the way from Taos, NM to plant permanent roots in The Cloud Nine Co.’s back yard (and on Hazel’s bed.) He is a professional sneaker and can make large quantities of food disappear from the counter at lightning speeds. He is a Goldendoodle- known for extreme goofiness and doofus-like behavior. He protects McKay by laying next to her in her home office, while she edits wedding photos late into the night.

amarillo wedding photographer goldendoodle

m a p l e

Maple is the newest addition, joining the team in 2017. Like all second children, she doesn’t get photographed as often, which is why her most current photo is… a puppy photo. Believe us when we say that she is a much larger goober, at this point in time. She has the most beautiful red curls and likes to turn in at least forty circles before laying down to sleep. She has an affinity for licking ears, dog and human alike. If you tell her to “sit” over and over, she will eventually do it. She is Copper’s best friend, ally, and partner in many… many… crimes.

The popping of a needle on a record player. 
The feel of a soft newspaper, crinkling between your fingers. 
The static between radio stations, silver knob turning and red needle gliding between numbers. 
Jars of jam, fountain pens, pocket watches. 

There is a special kind of magic that sparks from nostalgia. It's a hazy warmth that you can wrap yourself up in like a quilt your grandma made. It's an escape to a happier time and a vacation you can take whenever you'd like. It's unique to you, as much as your own fingerprint. 

We at The Cloud Nine Co find ourselves reminiscing more often than not. We immerse ourselves in the past with mid-century furniture, floral fabrics, vintage cameras, and big round sunglasses with pink tinted lenses. 

We think a glass of bubbling champagne is romantic, we dream of 1950s soda shops complete with pastel poodle skirts, and we often channel our childhoods. Past memories of dappled summertime sunlight, dog kisses, dial-up internet, leaf boats in flooded gutters, and orange Creamsicles are what we draw inspiration from the most. 

We feel that photo albums, rolls of film, carousels of 35mm slides, and home movies are sacred. More than anything, we want to capture and preserve nostalgic moments and be able to relive the happiest times in life, be it five or fifty years from now. 

All artists have their own style and we are very proud of ours. From our branding, to our editing style, all the way to our customer service, we draw heavily from a vintage era. Our inspiration stems directly from old photographs, beautiful movies, and works of art that overflow with romance. Film grain, light leaks, and lens flares make our hearts race and our eyes sparkle. 

