Boba, you guys.
If you aren’t on the boba train yet, all-a-freaking-board.
What even the heck is that, you implore? I can tell you that’s the most commonly asked question over at Leaf & Bubble, Amarillo’s one and only dedicated boba tea shop. After selecting from the fabulous assortment of teas, sinkers, and flavor add-ins, you will be handed a vibrant concoction of liquid goodness.
The next step is to grab a larger-than-you’re-used-to straw and plunge it straight down, through the tea and between the ice, until you get to the squishy and mysterious thingies at the bottom of your cup. Now, I’m only going to tell you this once, but use caution when you take that first sip. Otherwise, you will die.
Just kidding, you won’t die, but you’ll fear for your life for about 1.5 seconds and then you’ll have a permanent twinge of terror with each swig of tea for the remainder of your days.
The reason for all of this, you see, is that those little jiggly spheres barreling up your straw and into your face are extraordinary masterpieces, otherwise known as B O B A. Comprised of tapioca starch and brown sugar, boba has the texture of a slick gummy bear and is 100% meant to be chewed. So, you’re basically getting 2 in 1 - a drink with a snack inside of it. Score.
This is precisely why I instructed you on the method of slurping. Slurp too violently and those little suckers will hit you in the back of the throat and have you gasping for air, while frantically scanning the area for someone who looks like they can handle the Heimlich.
Once you get the method down, though, you’ll fit right in with all of the other seasoned boba suckers and you can make eye contact, knowing that you’re hip and cool tea drinkers.
If you’re not into boba, hey, that’s totally fine. Just customize your own drink and choose a different sinker or, * gasp *, go without any. Then head on over to a table and pull out your laptop to get some work done in their light explosion of a sunroom. Let yourself enjoy their tiny wooden tables and the abundance of natural lighting. Make friends with the many succulents that adorn the windows of Leaf & Bubble. You can even rage-write in your journal about how frustrated you are with the way your husband folds his socks. (He does it wrong.)
If you’re there and you see an angsty freckled person with a pink tea, typing furiously away on her laptop, come over and say hi. It’s me. I’m not rage-writing about my husband because... ehhhhh… I don’t have one. But, if I did, I’m sure he would fold his socks so perfectly. (If you’re reading this, bb, you’re a GREAT sock folder. My number is 8065550123!)
I digress. What I want you to know is that this little sunroom is the most perfect spot to escape from home and get a bit of digital work done, partake in a great book, or just meditate and reflect on life for a few minutes.

What keeps the customers coming back, though, isn’t just the tea. Or the tapioca balls. It’s the two women behind the entire operation. Believe me when I say that they are instantly lovable and they will instantly love you right back.
When I first met them, they were manning a cute little booth at the community market and I had the privilege of watching them grow their business into a thriving storefront. Opening a business is never easy or flawless, but I saw them handle the process with so much determination, grace, and poise. I instantly feel so much pride when I walk into their shop because they are, truly, a couple of badasses.
I can guarantee that you’ll experience a plethora of exciting moments while around Anna and Brooke. In just a matter of minutes, you’ll most likely see them dance, sing, and laugh hysterically to the point of breathlessness. You’ll have friends for life.
(If you ever go to a restaurant with them, be prepared to tell the sever to “give us another minute” about 14 times because their one weakness is not being able to focus on a menu. It’s fine, though, because it just prolongs the amount of time you get to spend with them.)
Oh, and they have bomb scones. I devoured the two in this photo.
Have I convinced you yet?
Their second most common question is, “Where are you located?” Fortunately, I’m going to drop a link that’ll show you exactly where they are right….. H E R E.
Get in your car and drive there right now (well… when this whole global pandemic thing is over) and park in front of Westminster Church. Leaf & Bubble is attached to the church on the northwest (left) side of the building. Walk your cute butt up there and grab yourself some bubble tea. You can thank me later.